A verse with the intent of being fun, serious, and all around crazy. Although, we'll still be an organized group do don't get too crazy now.
(Apologies if this seems really long I just have a lot of things to say regarding this as well as quite a bit of info) Okay so no doubt by now a few of you have heard about a new verse floating around called MercVerse and let me tell you guys these rumors are true! So let me just tell you some much awaited info that people have probably been waiting for.
Let me start off by saying anyone can join this is not an exclusive thing. My intentions are to get people who are still interested in Mass Effect Role-Playing (MERP from this point on) a place where they can still continue with it. I know that not many factions or MERP verses are that active anymore or have ended or are maybe just too slow for some. Maybe even confusing. So, I thought it would be fun to do this. Now, when I say anyone I do mean anyone. Canon characters, Original Characters, even background/cameo characters. I can assure you we will find a place to put you in this home I hope to be creating. This isn't going to be a requirement, but if you have a Kik that would be very useful to have group discussions. I don't want every little detail to be just mine I want to get everyone's input and ideas on what can happen. I would like to have group discussions often because I do need to check up on you guys and make sure no conflict happens. I will be operating on a strike system that I will get into towards the end so please, just be patient.
Aria - @BestOfOmega
Antagonist - @CerezaUmbra
Plot. As we all know a good verse requires a solid plot and not one that goes off on a million tangents. So here are some basic points so you kind of know what's in store. Also keep in mind that I will
- Four friends make Omega their home and find it to be...less than pleasant, so to speak. They now share the intent of making it a better place with less crime. Sound familiar? Well it should because this is more or less based off of Garrus' Archangel shenanigans on Omega. Same intent, different setup. Now, these four friends/founders of Valefor (the name of the mercenary group.. Pretty cool right? Right.) Now this four founders will include the twind Axl and Layne ( @AxlAyers and @LayneAyers1 ), Pascale ( @PascaleAllyn ), and Sara ( @SaraFerron_ ). Now all of these people will be the people you'll have to keep eyes on closely for announcements and missions. Also if you need to contact me directly, Axl will be the one I am mostly on so pay attention to him the most.
- In order to recruit people into Valefor info will have to go by "word of mouth", so to speak. Recruitment should be rather similar to recruitment in Mass Effect do one of the four founders will have to scope out your character's skill. Now, how this happens is entirely up to you. It can either be coincidental, or you can go up to one of them with something along the line of, "I heard you were looking for recruits" or some other. If this is the case, we, as in you the writer and me, can make an assignment that your character will handle, on their own, with a founder watching. Please tell me ahead of time how you widh for your character to be recruited. Also, most, if not all, of the members of Valefor will be OCs. If you have a canon character you really want to see involved though, we can work them into it where they are a partner, acquaintance, friend, etc... I promise you I will find a way to get anyone interested into this. Once recruiting is done (I hope to have at least 12-16 members in Valefor so that each founder can lead their own team of about 3-4 at multiple times/ This is so there is a;ways something happening and everyone has a chance to participate.) we can move on plot wise. I dont't want to start advancing in the story with only a few of our people because that just doesn't seem fair/fun to me. I want everyone to experience the fun.
- After recruiting, we go on to making a name for ourselves. That means, messing with the big three on Omega. Bloodpack, Blue Suns, and Eclipse. We can all, as a group, decide on what kind of missions we can go on to start messing with them or I can do it myself. I would prefer if everyone had a say in what happens though so if you have an idea, speak up. Now, I don't want you guys to start thinking, "Hmm how am I going to kill of my character as dramatic as possible,,," this early on. No. Stop thinking that. Or I will eat your babies. There will be some rest time between missions like in real life so this is one of the only things I ask. Develop your character. Not all in one setting treat them like another side of you. Give them something to work with why are they the way they are? Build relationships with other characters. And, if you want to make a romance thing happen, make sure the other writer is okay with it. And don't make it your main focus talk with others. I cannot tell you hoe many times a verse has fallen because someone has refused to RP anything that isn't romance. It gets tiring and kills a verse quickly. Also, as a form of relief to most guys that have known me long enough, I will not flirt with anyone. *insert gasp of shock here* I know right? But, if by some weird circumstance, anyone wants to romance one of my ladies (or men preferably men) talk to me about it and we can set something up. Just remember, develop your character a bit during down time, and keep on your toes during missions. I may through something big at a group out of random. Also, don't rely on just one person to make up what happens on the mission talk among your group about what you all want to happen along the way. The best way to keep a verse running is communication.
- After Valefor has made a name for themselves, they will be contacted by a representative of Umbra Corp. a very powerful weapons manufacturing company that has been known for their sketchy dealings. They will offer quite a bit of well needed cash for a few jobs in return. These jobs will be split into about three per group each with their own purpose. Now, this is where it gets fun, on the last job (which will more than likely be a combination of everyone I have not decided yet) Aria is there. Gasp. What's she doing there? Well, Umbra Corp. has been sending Valefor on missions to sabotage Aria, but they don't know until after a big fight (or two). Again, no one will die here. Serious and fatal injuries are fine, but dying at this point is a no no. For now. After a rather long fight, some talking will occur where Aria pretty much explains that Umbra Corp. has been a pain in her backside (not in the good way) for a long time and during this fight they have taken control of Omega. A little confrontation will be held though with our antagonist showing up and taunting Aria a bit and then leaving some of her men while going back to assume control Now you can imagine Aria will be pissed and want pay back. And guess who helps set things back?
- Okay so as with the ones brfore this it'll be quite a few missions. Many of them involving Aria. These missions will focus on tearing down Umbra Corp. piece by piece so it will take a while. It's a big and powerful company it doesn't happen all like that. Now, at this point, if you plan on a character to die, go for it. It just has to be during a mission that involves the antagonist because a few will happen where she shows up to try and fix the problem. It will give the group more of a reason to kill and overthrow her if you plan on it. Only, the max that can die at this point is probably 2-3. Don't want too little people for the final battle do we?
- Now at this point the final battle is going to happen. This will probably include everyone against our baddie. Now, she will be a bit OP but that's just going to make it a little more fun because it'll last a little longer. I mean, I based her off Bayonetta you can't expect this to be an easy battle.
- And finally the post stuff. It will start with Layne and Axl disbanding the group and holding some final group activities. This will be chance to finish development and relations and leaving off on good terms. This will also be where Aria and the group make amends some how. Then, we can do a time skip of about...maybe 6 months to a year so we can leave the verse with an idea of how our people are doing. And this, friends and future family members, is how we will end MercVerse.
Just a few final notes one of which being thank you for actually taking the time to read this. Seriously I know this was rather lengthy, but thanks on taking the time to read through it all if you did.
Now, I mentioned a strike system earlier. Basically what this means is that if you start causing problems with the group I add a strike to your name. Like in baseball, three strikes and you're out. You will be warned the first time, but after that you'll just get a strike and if it reaches three you will notified that you will no longer be participating. I know this seems a little mean, but if problems start to arise it will make it difficult to keep things together and to keep them fun. I will try to resolve any issues though so if you have problems, talk to me.
Just remember, develop your character. I cannot stress this enough there will be plenty of times to do this and add depth to them so use that time wisely. Don't spill out your whole life story in one conversation. It ruins the point a little.
Whew, okay that is it for now my lovelies. I will be sure to update this stuff as time goes on, but in smaller blog posts.
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